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Dutch Song Database

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Bols OVL1897

Bols, Jan
title:                             Honderd oude Vlaamsche liederen met woorden en zangwijzen verzameld en voor de eerste maal aan het licht gebracht door Jan Bols, Pastoor van Alsemberg, Lid der Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie
year: 1897
Namen: Wesmael-Charlier, Ad. (uitgave)
music: with musical notation
number of songs: 134
148 entered in the Dutch Song Database, of which 127 with musical notation
there are more entries in the Dutch Songs Database than there are songs in this source. There are multiple possible causes for this: doubtfull songs were entered after all, a text in different languages was entered per language, songs sung within a song were entered seperately, the song count concerned only Dutch songs, etc.
type: print. liedboek.
Scheurleer: 2108 (p. p128-1)
copy used: Amsterdam MI: 3978 1 c14 20e Bols
available: scan (books.google.nl)
copies (2):
Amsterdam MI: 3978 1 c14 20e Bols
[online beschikbaar op Google Books]
copy/repro. Meertens:
3978 1 c14 20e Bols
NVA 15186-15293a [=afschriften]

songs in this source (148)