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Engelse tekst
[12] Jan Pietersz Sweelinck, Pseaume 51 (Clément Marot)

Misericorde au povre vicieux,
Dieu tout-puissant, selon ta grand' clemence;
Use à ce coup de ta bonté immense,
Pour effacer mon faict pernicieux.
Lave moy, Sire, et relave bien fort
De ma commise iniquité mauvaise;
Et du peché, qui m'a rendu si ord,
Me nettoyer d'eau de grace te plaise.

Uit: J.P. Sweelinck, Premier livre des pseaumes de David. Amsterdam 1604.
[12] Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Psalm 51 (Clément Marot)

Have mercy on this poor sinner,
Almighty God, according to your great mercy;
According to your great goodness, for this once
Blot out my evil deeds.
Wash me, Lord, and cleanse me thoroughly
Of the evil deeds which I have committed;
And of my sin, which has made me so filthy,
May it please you to wash me with the water of your grace.

From: J.P. Sweelinck, Premier livre des pseaumes de David (The First Book of the Psalms of David). Amsterdam 1604.

Translation: Ruth van Baak Griffioen

Camerata Trajectina (artiest), Calvijn in de Gouden Eeuw = Calvinist music from France and the Netherlands. GLO 6064
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