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Dutch Song Database

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title:                             Apollo of ghesangh der Musen, wiens lieflijcke stemmen merendeels in vrolijcke en eerlijcke gheselschappen werden ghesonghen
address: t'Amsterdam, by Dirck Pietersz. Boeck-vercooper op 't Water, inde Witte Pars, 1615.
year: 1615
Amsterdam: Pietersz, Dirck (uitgave)
collation: 4to oblong; *4 A-P4, 64 pp.
music: without musical notation
number of songs: 105
105 entered in the Dutch Song Database
type: print. liedboek.
literature: Keersmaekers 1985a (editie) / Schl, p. 142 / Steenbeek 1985
Scheurleer: 2279 (p. 142-2)
STCN/STCV: this title in STCN of STCV (data.cerl.org)
copy used: Keersmaekers 1985a (facsimile-editie)
available: scan (books.google.nl)
scan (search.proquest.com)
scan (books.google.nl)
available: full text (DBNL.org)
download pdf (DBNL.org)
copies (9):
Amsterdam UB: O 06-1718:3
Boston PL
Den Haag KB: 10 G 20
Den Haag KB: 839 E 30
Gent UB: BIB.BL.006808
Leiden UB: 1496 F 26:2
Leiden UB: 1497 E 3
Londen BL: 11755.bb.68:2
Utrecht UB: Moltzer 6 D 30 (incompleet)
copy/repro. Meertens:
3978 1 c 17e Apollo [=facs.]
3978 MFilm 17e Apollo 1615

songs in this source (105)