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Dutch Song Database

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The Dutch Song Database

software version 2.2 (June 2014) / last update: December 5, 2024

The Dutch Song Database (Nederlandse Liederenbank in Dutch) contains more than 180,000 songs in the Dutch and Flemish language, from the Middle Ages through the twentieth century.
It contains love songs, satirical songs, Beggar songs, psalms and other religious songs, folksongs, children's songs, St Nicholas and Christmas songs, and so on and so forth.
The main sources for all these songs are songbooks, songsheets (broadsides), song manuscripts and fieldwork recordings.
For every song the source is indicated where the text and/or the melody can be found. In some cases one can click directly to the complete text, or to the music, or to a recording.
The Dutch Song Database was compiled at the Meertens Institute in Amsterdam and is maintained and developed further by its Oral Culture Research Group, in cooperation with several partners.

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Academic Book Series in Song Studies

October 1, 2022
Amsterdam University Press (AUP) presents a new Book Series on Song Research. This series offers a platform for academic research on the multidimensional medium of song. In this context, ‘song’ is considered from multiple perspectives, acknowledging form and function. Song can be defined as vocal and musical expression in composition and practice, incorporating elements such as pitch, rhythm, repetition, language. Furthermore, song is inseparable from emotion and the performing body. As a complex, expressive practice, song leverages the physical and imaginative capacities of individuals and communities for diverse purposes.
A wide range of methodologies are welcomed, including those from, but not limited to, musicology/ethnomusicology, sound studies, literary studies, history, linguistics, cognitive psychology, creative performance. Proposals are invited for monographs as well as edited volumes. Open Access publication is possible, as well as the publication of sound and multimedia files. The Series is created in close collaboration with the international Song Studies Network.
Researchers are invited to submit their proposals at https://www.aup.nl/en/series/song-studies.

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