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Dutch Song Database

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Lambrechts LL1936

Lambrechts, Lambrecht
title:                             Limburgsche liederen verzameld door Lambrecht Lambrechts. Gevolgd door: Aanteekeningen bij de Limburgsche liederen verzameld door L. Lambrachts en uitgegeven door de Commissie van het Oude Volkslied
year: 1936-1937
music: with musical notation
number of songs: 137
139 entered in the Dutch Song Database, of which 93 with musical notation
there are more entries in the Dutch Songs Database than there are songs in this source. There are multiple possible causes for this: doubtfull songs were entered after all, a text in different languages was entered per language, songs sung within a song were entered seperately, the song count concerned only Dutch songs, etc.
type: print. liedboek.
copy/repro. Meertens:
3978 1 c19 A Lambrechts
NVA 21865-21940 [=afschriften]
comment: Het A-deel bevat 84 liederen en het B-deel 53 varianten bij die liederen.

songs in this source (139)