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Dutch Song Database

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first line: ô Dichtkunst! wie zou u niet minnen? / Geheel betovert gij de zinnen all songs with this text 
text norm: O dichtkunst wie zou u niet minnen Geheel betovert gij de zinnen (1 song)
no. of stanzas: 13
music: without musical notation
genre: gezelschapslied / loflied (wereldlijk)
keyword: Nederland / [Hendrik] Tollens [1780-1856] / [Cornelis] Loots [1764-1834] / Klein [Hendrik Harmsen Klyn? / Johannes Petrus Kleyn?] / [Jan Frederik] Helmers [1767-1813] / [Betje] Wolff [1738-1804] / [Aagje] Deken [1741-1804] / David [Bijbels] / [Wolfgang Amadeus] Mozart [1756-1791] / Ignaz Pleyel [1757-1831][Joseph] / Haydn [17321809]- / Rafaël [1483-1520] / [Peter Paul?] Rubens [1577-1640] / Rembrandt [Harmenszoon van Rijn] [1606-1669] / [Antoon] Van Dijck [1599-1641] / toast / schone kunsten / dichtkunst / toonkunst / schilderkunst / beroemde dichters / componisten / schilders
melody name:
tune indication:standard name of this melody:all songs sung to this melody
Ja Fannij, enz.Ja Fannie ja een milde regen (7 songs)

stanza form:
.  .  .  .  .  .
4a 4a 4B 4c 4c 4B
all songs with this stanza form
(all songs)
no. of verses: 6
record ID: 197081


siglum:BloemlezGez1834 (1834)
title:Bloemlezing van Gezangen.
page: p32 (song number 31)
copy used: Amsterdam MI: 3978 Gesloten Kast: A 10
available: scan of the full source (books.google.nl)