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Dutch Song Database

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first line: Kom Filis kom in 't dal / Kom Filis u verlusten all songs with this text 
text norm: Kom Phyllis kom in het dal Kom Phyllis u verlusten (1 song)
no. of stanzas: 3
music: without musical notation
genre: liefdeslied / herderslied (wereldlijk)
keyword: Phyllis / Damon / schoonheid / aanbidden
melody names (2):
tune indication:standard name of this melody:all songs sung to this melody
hou voerman van de helHou voerman van de hel (50 songs)
 O nacht jaloerse nacht (ZIE OOK) (221 songs & extra informatie)

stanza form:
.  .  .  .  .  .
3A 3b 3C 3D 6b 6D
all songs with this stanza form
(all songs)
no. of verses: 6
record ID: 185589


siglum:HsLdUB BPL3314 ([1775, na])
title:Liede-Boek, bestaande in Menuetten, Contredanssen, Ariaa's, Harders & Drink-Liederen [...]
page: p58 (song number 31)