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Dutch Song Database

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Wael, van de
title: Isralijtsche Vrouwen
first line: Doen onsen vijandt wreed / Ons trotste met syn krachten all songs with this text 
text norm: Doen onze vijand wreed Ons trotste met zijn krachten (1 song)
no. of stanzas: 3
music: without musical notation
genre: toneellied / danklied
keyword: vijand nederlaag / God / dankbaarheid / koor
melody name:
tune indication:standard name of this melody:all songs sung to this melody
Edel Artisten koenEdele artiesten koen (150 songs)

stanza form:
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
3A 3b 3A 3b 3b 3C 3b 3C
all songs with this stanza form
(all songs)
no. of verses: 8
comment: Bedrijf 3, midden. Lied gezongen door Israelitische vrouwen.
record ID: 20225


siglum:Wael DG1619 (1619)
title:SCHIEDAMS Rood Roosjens SPEL van David ende Goliath
page: fD3r (song number 3)
copy used: Leiden UB: 1090 B 34
available: scan of the full source (books.google.nl)
scan of the full source (search.proquest.com)
scan of the full source (search.proquest.com)